The mobile program I use to follow Twitter presents all my incoming tweets in a single stream. Now that I'm following just over 600 souls, it occasionally presents some rather amusing combinations.
Here are just a few that I collected yesterday, brought to you by the most excellent and unexpectedly paired @BrianClavyville, @chuckallen, @GuyKawasaki, @iameddie, @istologio2, @Leadership501, @mikeglenn, @ResaMichelle, @TimTerpening, @triciagoyer, @SheilaWalsh, and @susanwrites, with honorable mention from @soverpeck.
@triciagoyer & @susanwrites
Two writers muddling together in the middle.
@SheilaWalsh & @Leadership501
Leadership lessons learned from lhasas. Who's right?
@iameddie & @BrianClavyville
Watch out for the Clayville diet, Eddie!
To Mr. Clayville's credit, you kinda had to be there.
Blame @soverpeck
@mikeglenn & @ResaMichelle
Well, if you were Jesus, wouldn't YOU want
to come back for this complete breakfast?
@chuckallen & @SheilaWalsh (again)
Sheila Walsh makes an encore appearance calling for
the National Guard to intervene on Chuck Allen.
I can't blame her.
@istologio2 (again) & @TimTerpening
The aggregator istologio reminds on someone's behalf that indecision
behind you could be just as bad as indecision in front of you.
...Or could it?
And finally, my favorite one...
@GuyKawasaki & @istologio2
The answer at the bottom reads: "Andrew the First-Called."
It is today, November 30, that we
commemorate Saint Andrew,
the first disciple of Jesus.
Who better to promote your brand?!
Question: Have you found any amusing, awkward, or unfortunate tweets-in-a-row?